On my recent visit to Deschapelles, I was accompanied by Vera Dowell, wife of former HAS Pediatrician, then Medical Director over a period of many years. She has a MSEd from Bankstreet College of Education and has taught in Haiti as well as other places.
Before my departure I had an opportunity to meet with Dr. Ruth Levy, Superintendent of Region 4 Schools, some administrators and teachers from the three elementary schools, Essex, Deep River and Chester, in preparation for deeper involvement.

We had an opportunity to meet with the three directors of the three participating schools, Kettelie Petite-Loute, Wisly Demeran and Mari-jos Dutreuil. We also visited each of the schools to give us base line information to help us all lay the groundwork for the first Early Education Teacher Training Workshops which will take place in February. The schools had only just opened and this was their second week. Each school had three classes of children from 3-6. I stayed for an hour and Vera stayed the whole morning which gave her a thorough view of what goes on a regular day. While each school had its own distinct personality, they also had similarities. The directors and the teachers are all eager to take part in this workshop.

It was a joy to spend time with the children, all in their uniforms, and the teachers.