Exciting news! In March 2018, Club Robotic de Deschapelles won second prize in the country-wide Robotics First Lego Competition! The competition took place in Cap Haitien, a long six-hour drive north from Deschapelles. This is the first time the Deschapelles Robotics Club participated. Last year, as they were beginning their club, they went as observers. The team learned to program in August 2017 when three juniors at Valley Regoinal High School’s Robotics program, Patrick Myslik, Sam Paulson and Rocket Otte, spent a week working with the team along with their parents. The competition was named “Hydro Dynamique” focusing on water problems, something very familiar to the Deschapelles team. Kudos to the team, to their coach, Deschapelles Community Library Administrator, Besly Belizaire, and many thanks to the members from Valley Regional High School and their parents who spent the week last summer in Deschapelles, getting them on the right track. For more information about the workshop in August 2017, click here.