Essex Meadows Lifecare Retirement Community, 30 Bokum Road, Essex, CT hosted an art show featuring Haitian paintings and metal work. Featured art works included imaginative pieces of metal art work created out of cast-off oil drums and paintings by artists from the Artibonite area of Deschapelles where Hospital Albert Schweitzer is located. The art was available for viewing from May 3 through June 27, 2011 in the Meadows Art Gallery on the grounds of Essex Meadows.
Mary Lee Robertson, a resident and accomplished artist, is in charge of the art displays at Essex Meadows and invited Jenifer Grant, a director of Sister Cities Essex Haiti, to display her collection of Haitian art and other art by Haitian artists and craftspersons. Many pieces were sold. All profits from the art sale are used to support Sister Cities Essex Haiti and Hospital Albert Schweitzer.