Sister Cities Essex Haiti held its second Have a Heart for Haiti fundraiser on Friday, March 2, 2012, at the Left Bank Gallery on Main Street in Essex.

The Have a Heart for Haiti fundraiser on Friday, March 2, 2012, was a great success!! The best part of the evening was the outpouring of support from the community for Haiti, Hospital Albert Schweitzer, and Sister Cities Essex Haiti projects in Deschapelles. Thank you to all who came, donated, volunteered and supported SCEH.

Over 200 people enjoyed the music of Bob Lamothe and his Blues Band while sampling Haitian cuisine and perusing the hundreds of photographs on display. The Left Bank Gallery, on Main Street in Essex, was filled with current and historical photos of the Hospital and the several projects that SCEH and ODES are collaborating on: library, music, early education teacher training, and sports.
Many thanks to the following who made this event possible:
Volunteers The Paul Family who allowed us to use the Left Bank Gallery
- Kathy Pfeiffer, our featured author of Footprints in the Heart
- Bob Lamothe and his Blues Band
- Village Provisions for providing the catering and plants.
- That’s the Spirit Shoppe for the wine, beer, and soft drinks
- Tower Labs-corporate sponsor
- Essex Mail Mart-help with photographs
- Essex House of Framing and the Art Emporium in Old Saybrook for photographic display advice
Susan Carpenter of Tri-Town Rotary seeking supporters for the library project Girl Scout Troop 62041 for helping at the fundraiser
- Patrick Calquhoun for photographing the event
- Susan Carpenter of the International Committee of the Chester, Deep River and Essex Rotary Clubs for providing book sales in support of the library
- Hope Proctor, architect who provided renderings of the proposed library
- St. John’s Church for providing chairs and other supplies
- Mary Lee Blackwell, who provided a beautiful display of her photos from her recent trip to Deschapelles.
- Bob Lamothe who also displayed historical photos of Haiti

We would also like to thank all of the volunteers at the event: greeters, servers, bar tenders, sales people, set-up and take-down helpers.