The schools of Chester, Deep River, Essex and Region 4 raised over $6,000 for the Sister Cities Essex Haiti Early Education Teacher Training project!

Essex Elementary School conducted a “Helping Hands for Haiti” initiative whereby students raised money by doing services for family, friends and neighbors and raised nearly $3,000.
Chester Elementary School held a Service Learning Project entitled, “From Our Village to Theirs – Helping to Rebuild the Schools in Deschapelles, Haiti” that raised nearly $500 for school supplies in Deschapelles.
Deep River Elementary School students decorated over 100 Pringles cans and filled them with school supplies for Deschapelles pre-school students. They are held a “Tip a Teacher” benefit at Oliver’s Tavern in Essex in June 2012 and raised over $1,700. To see the children opening the Pringles cans, please click here.

John Winthrop Middle School and Valley Regional High School held a bake sale on May 12 and raised $552 to support the Early Education Teacher Training Project. In addition, John Winthrop Middle School held a Talent Show in the Spring of 2012 that raised over $400 to buy books for Deschapelles children. To learn more about these exciting initiatives, please click here.