On May 14, 2013, Sister Cities Essex Haiti and the Rotary Clubs of Chester, Deep River and Essex celebrated the Rotary Clubs’ successful three-year fundraising drive to provide Sister Cities Essex Haiti with the ability to purchase 1,000 books for the Deschapelles Library. The Rotary Clubs presented Sister Cities Essex Haiti with a check for $10,000! In addition to the check, they have also given SCEH 106 extra books!
Kathleen Maher, President of Sister Cities Essex Haiti, thanked the Rotary Clubs for the funds and the books but also for (1) their early support of SCEH that gave credibility to the organization at its formation; (2) their many invitations to Rotary events to help increase awareness of Haiti, Deschapelles, SCEH, the proposed Deschapelles library, and SCEH’s other projects; (3) their introduction to other Rotaries giving us the ability to show our film “Welcome to Deschapelles, Our Sister City” to the New London Rotaract and the Mystic Rotary. Kathleen also noted that the Rotary Clubs of Verettes, Haiti and Ancaster, Ontario installed the well at the library site.
Terry Smith, Chair of the Library Committee, gave an update on the library construction and shared photos. It was a true celebration!!
This gift will enable the people of Deschapelles the ability to open their library with a supply of books for children and adults. Kathleen especially thanked the International Committee of the Chester, Deep River and Essex Rotaries for spearheading the book drive under the leadership of Jeff Mehler and Susan Carpenter. THANK-YOU!!!